Is this thing on?

Social media often gets a bad rap.  Kinda like those zero-sugar gummy bears with all the hilarious reviews on Amazon.  And while some of that bad rap is a little deserved, social media is also an amazing tool that has absolutely changed human communication forever.

If you would have told me 20 years ago, that we would almost be obsessed with the number of "likes" and "followers" on our online profiles, I would have called you crazy.  But, now we all obsess over it (to a certain degree, of course, some waaaaaay more than others).  My thought is, can we actually reverse this focus on "likes" and "follows" and instead maybe focus on learning?  

Lately, I've heard a ton of people say "Guess what I learned on TikTok?"  And then they spout off about some cool fact or how they learned to fix a leaky facet.  How cool is that?!  Talk about a shift!  

Maybe we can do that with higher learning too.  Maybe we can build more focus on not just "following" and "liking" people, but instead on following people we want to learn from or people we want to teach. What if we used our selected social media platforms as our own personal learning community?

I swear I didn't read that off the course syllabus.  But I really think this could be a huge shift and fundamentally change how we see and use social media.  And it would actually make us all the better!

Let's buckle up and see!

Wait...Where's my seatbelt?!

Oh right, this is an office chair.  

That would also explain the lack of cupholders...


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