Copyright in the age of YouTube Standards

Kind of convenient timing really reading about copyright issues in education and also keeping track of a few content creators on YouTube that are dealing with copyright strikes

On YouTube, a copyright strike occurs whenever a creator uploads a video that has content from another entity and proper credit was not given.  If this happens many times to a channel, that channel can be delisted, which means they no longer show up anywhere on the site.  Now when it comes to using content, there is the Fair Use law.  Now that law is super complicated and I am not going to do the explanation justice.  But know this Fair Use allows those movie clips or clips of Seinfield to stay in videos throughout the internet.  Especially Fair Use states that as long as the content is being used in a fresh way, either a remix, parody, or out of context from the original entity, it's all good.

However, many sites like YouTube have struck creators for fair use violations when pushed by larger corporations.  And often this happens with no warning and no change to official policy.  It's an example of "The Man" flexing on the "little guy."  It's a huge grey area that hasn't improved in the past few years.

It's very disheartening when this happens to smaller creators that are creating educational content on YOuTube or even other sites like Facebook.  Of course, as long as you're careful and do a lot of research on Fair Use, you should be ok.  That being said, we can never know how YouTube might change and how the almighty algorithm can impact things.

Here is to hoping there is more transparency from YouTube and others when it comes to Fair Use!


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