Lawn Care Communities Observation

Observing two online communities geared toward lawn care has been super interesting to partake in.  One community is focused on Florida lawns while the other is focused on an and all lawns.  As someone with a Florida lawn, because...well...I live in Florida, and it's extremely helpful to have specific answers to my specific questions on Florida lawn pests, weeds, etc.  While the other community is great, the plethora of content is a little overwhelming.

This goes back to one of my earlier posts contemplating if learning communities can get too big.  I think they certainly can.  The more focused a group is, I think its users can share more precise content and learn more about certain areas that interest them.  By focusing on just the right content, you can buy just the right community of people that are curious about that topic.  For example, if I created a Facebook group for people that only fished in Salt Water Bays, that group would have a more detailed discussion, and sharing of relatable stories, and would not be diluted with topics that are wide-ranging.  With its focus, more specific knowledge would be shared.

Now, this is just what I'm seeing so far with discussion and community engagement.  The one with fewer followers, the Florida-based group, has extremely high engagement while the other group has much, much smaller engagement.  The other group, which focused on all lawns, also has 500,000 users as opposed to the Florida group with only 7,500.  I think something can be said with that ratio of engagement over its userbase.

But as this observation continues, I'm sure I'll pick up more data and more conclusions. 

And maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to figure out how to fix the dead grass patches in he front yard.


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