Activism and Social Media

 I'm not much for protesting.  Instead of marching around or even going door to door, I'd rather have discussions with friends and family and of course, vote on issues of importance.  That being said, I am extremely grateful for our right to freedom of assembly, which allows citizens to protest and bring awareness to countless issues.  It's a right we all should be extremely thankful for as others around the world don't have this luxury.

As we've talked about this week, social media has transformed activism around the world.  Now, at the drop of a single tweet, people from around the world are able to bring awareness and stand up for countless issues.  The entire globe can protest or campaign on a single issue.  This unified voice is something the world hasn't really seen before.  It's a great power that we all shouldn't take too lightly.

This week, I'm planning on learning more about activism and examples of social media being the driving force behind certain movements.  There are many that most are aware of, #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter, etc.  So I am going to search around for other instances that have been equally powerful.


  1. There's definitely a power to social media activism. That's why some governments around the world fear it and try to silence or control it.


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